Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Effortless Presence and Contemplative Spirituality > Page 3


Effortless Presence

the shift from self to Presence

Page 3

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This shift from self to Presence, or presence, is like that of a family realizing the house they live in is not its home. The house is the appearance, bound within time, so born and to die ~ the house was built, the house will be destroyed or decay ~, while home speaks of the spirit of the family, an indefinable, timeless quality of Love and sharing. Of course, then, through realizing itself as home, the family will want the house to manifest the home in its likeness and unlikeness to all other houses. Yet, there is only one true home, and families either manifest that home or not, and to varying degrees.

Presence is not an appearance,
Presence makes appearances possible.
Who you think you are became,
who you are never became and, so, cannot un-become.

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How we see ourselves is not our Home, What makes possible our seeing ourselves is our Home. This makes, yes, all the difference, this allows us to learn to relax into natural being, where we each are already one with everyone called inanimate and animate, and be-at-Home anywhere. This shifts our entire relationship and relating with everything, in a positive, natural way. This is, the Way. And, again, this requires no effort, at all, for this already is.

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effortless for
is, is of becoming

sequence ~
past, present, future ~

harmonized without
negating duration and space


to see
don't look

so close
rarely does one see

what cannot not be

most subtle
among the subtle

least obvious
among the obvious

like breathings inside
quiet breeze

recognized by mind
after recognition

before one knows

a calming outlook

*Brian Wilcox. "a calming outlook". Flickr.

(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2019.

Pages:  [ 1 ]  [ 2 ]  3 


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Effortless Presence and Contemplative Spirituality > Page 3

©Brian Wilcox 2024